SST-1M Telescope

SST-1M is a single-mirror small size Cherenkov telescope prototype developed by a consortium among institutes in Switzerland, Poland, and the Czech Republic. With a 9.42 m² multi-segment mirror and a 5.6 m focal length, SST-1Ms have a broad 9 degree field of view and aim to detect gamma rays spanning the energy range of 1 to 300 TeV. The DigiCam camera incorporates a compact Photo-Detector Plane comprising 1296 hexagonal silicon photomultiplier pixels and a fully digital readout and trigger system using a 250 MHz ADC.

Currently undergoing commissioning at the Ondrejov Observatory in the Czech Republic, two SST-1M Telescopes are actively collecting data through observations of astrophysical gamma-ray sources. This presentation provides an overview of the telescope, camera design, and analysis pipeline, including evaluations of the instrument's responses. Preliminary results derived from ongoing observations are presented. A specific focus on data analysis of stereoscopic observations of the Crab Nebula provide insights on the telescope's sensitivity and performances.


Dual Heat Block


Post Tenebar Lux 2024